
25th September update

発売が遅れておりましたUyama Hiroto / Breath of LoveのCDですが、昨日よりデリバリーを開始しました。この度は延期に延期を重ね、大変お待たせしてしてしまい申し訳ございません。オーダーをいただいた順に発送を行なっておりますので、発送完了までもうしばらくお待ちください。また、ストップしていましたオーダーも再開させていただきました。


The CD of Uyama Hiroto / Breath of Love, which was delayed, started to be delivered yesterday. We apologize for the delay and the long wait. We are shipping the CD in the order in which the orders were received, so please wait a little longer until the shipment is complete. We have also resumed the orders that were stopped.



We are currently experiencing a problem with the pressing process, which has caused a significant delay to the release of the CD.
We sincerely apologize to customers who have placed orders.
As it is difficult to ensure quality at our current pressing factory, we are currently working on changing the pressing factory.
As a result, we will suspend orders for this product until a definite release date can be confirmed.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and appreciate your understanding.